Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mommy & Me

Today we had our first mommy & me yoga class! Max had a great time, was totally calm, awake & quiet, even when all of the other babies got fussy. He enjoyed being moved around in different ways & interacting together. I think his favorite though was the cool down/relax time at the end where he got to lay on my chest & just be quiet. That time was very fascinating though; by the end of it, all of the babies were totally calm & quiet, even the crankiest little ones. It just proves that they feed off of our energies!  One of the girls from the yoga group (started with Prenatal Yoga) is having her baby today,  we've all been on the lookout & wishing her well, while the last of us still has another couple of weeks left and is doing terrifically. Hopefully we'll see them soon in Mommy & Me!

It was really nice for me to be around all of the other new mommies-something I've been looking forward to since I was pregnant with Sophia. We are all getting better acquainted & are able to really relate & talk to each other. A few of us had a very nice lunch afterwards, went for a small walk then stumbled into a baby playtime at the library! It might be a little beyond Max's age limit (although the description says 0-24 months) it was fun to remember the nursery rhymes, activities & see the other toddlers playing.

Going backwards, we went to the pumpkin patch with our friends Josh & Megan & her family to pick out Max's first pumpkin. We had a great time (Max slept through it all) picking the perfect one & hanging out with everyone.

Hopefully I can get the one picture from yoga class that was taken but in the mean time here are some recent ones of Max & of the pumpkin patch!

Happy Family
Looking for a pumpkin
On the Hay Ride
Pumpkin Head Josh
Megan & I
Sleepy Boy
Baby love
See the little star towards the top of his foot?
Tired out from today's activities!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

One month!

Happy One Month Birthday Max!

Today our tiny little man turns 1/12th! One month ago today (at 11:53pm) we brought this little man out and into the world!

He is looking very healthy, growing well, eating well and beginning to cry well too! He is learning how to clasp his hands together, hug himself and hold his bottle. I'm trying to teach him the alphabet in english and french, but so far, he just sounds like Frankenstein. Today he met his Great-grandmother and cousins for the first time and got his picture taken in Linnie's "1 month" onsie. 

Cameron's "hand scale" (his hands) say he's about 6lbs 3oz, but we won't know until his next doctor's appointment at the end of October. He has been breast feeding pretty well with only minor inconsistencies and health wise, the jaundice seems to be going down & not causing problems.

(FYI I fixed the 'comment' problem, so if you'd like to leave a comment, you should be able to)

Until we get more information from his next appointment, enjoy his one month onsie picture!

Max at one month!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

They grow up so fast

We had a great doctor's appointment today! Max is growing steadily and a tiny bit faster then the average He has gained 9 oz since last monday, so he's getting more then 1 oz a day. They measured him at 20 inches which (if accurate) means he's grown a whole inch. The doctor said he looks fantastic and is doing really well - enough so that she doesn't need to see him for two months! We were really happy to hear this, although we didn't expect anything less, and are reassured about his eating, breast or bottle!

We are all still enjoying each other's company & the time we get to spend together while Cameron is home. Lazy rainy days with movies, cookies and baby-play-time can't be beat! we are dreading monday and Cameron's inevitable return to work. :(

Unfortunately, I can not put up more photos on here until I delete other photos. So for now, we'll have to skip the photos (except this one) until I can figure out what to do. Sorry! Please leave a comment here if you want to look at more and I can email them to you.

Max on his Sheep