Friday, November 30, 2012

2 Months 2 Weeks!

I realize I am getting a little lazy in updating the blog so I apologize to everyone for not having this post out sooner! Max is now 2 months & 2 weeks old and still growing. He had his two month check up the day before his two month birthday and he was weighing in at 10lbs 4oz and 23in long! How fast they grow...He's officially out of newborn clothing and into 3 month sizes, out of newborn diapers and into the size 1's. He has been smiling like a maniac and is juuust starting to figure out how to laugh - it's the cutest thing I think I've ever experienced.

Thanksgiving was pretty easy, we were at my dad's for dinner that night, enjoying my brother, my parents and my grandparent's company. Friday we went to my mom's and had a joint thanksgiving with the Puzans which was very special since it has been a while since we've done that. Cameron's birthday this past weekend was also pretty mellow since he doesn't like to go out. We stayed home and I cooked and pet him and changed the baby all day. Happy Birthday Bunny! :)

Billy and Linnie came over the weekend before and took some really great pictures of Max - Thank you guys, you are AMAZING!


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