Friday, September 21, 2012

"Home Again, Home Again"

...drum-roll please...


Finally we have our perfect little boy at home safe & sound! He made it home by 9ish pm last night and has been doing very well so far. He's a sleeper, popper, eater, rinser repeater kinda guy, that only cries while he's hurt or uncomfortable, then stops instantly. He sleeps between slightly difficult feedings (mostly by breast, but sometimes supplemented by breast milk from a bottle), enjoys curling up in my arms to sleep and doesn't mind loud noises unless they startle him. All-in-all we are all very happy to be in one-another's company!

AS far as his health goes, we had a doctor's appointment today for him, followed by a trip to kaiser to for some labs. What we decided was that sadly, as much as we like Cameron's regular doctor, neither of us felt comfortable in their office (mostly because they rarely see infants) and have decided that kaiser will from now on, be Max's doctor. Other than that, he hasn't lost or gained anything yet, so we'll see how the weekend goes then bring him in to weigh next week. 

I will add some photo's of his last day in the hospital and of then leaving Holy Cross. He's pretty darn cute still! 

Bottle from Daddy 

Sleeping just like Daddy

Yawn big!

Tiny little elf baby all set to leave Holy Cross!

Leaving the hospital

Putting baby in the car!

In the car all ready to go home!

Home and safe!

Sleeping at home with mommy

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