Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Warming up the baby

Good news & bad news:

The good news is that he has met almost all of the criteria to be able to come home. He is feeding very well, increasing the amount every time which means that he no longer has the little orange tube down his throat or nose! The jaundice is about the same and standard for a baby his age (all it means is that he gets to hang out in a cool glowy blanket), but they don't seem concerned about it at all and neither are we. He also got his little penis chopped this morning. Finally his breathing is doing perfectly so thats no longer a concern!

The bad news is that he hasn't met ALL of the criteria. He's not home with us because he hasn't been able to prove he can regulate his own temperature. On monday his body temperature dropped a little bit. They put him in the incubator for 24 hours (which ends tomorrow morning) to bring his temperature up, but then they need to keep him for another 24 hours to monitor that he can regulate his own temperature.

All of this means that he is doing well, but will most likely have to stay in the hospital until thursday. :( We are bummed out but only want what's best for our little man. So in the mean time, we are trying to distract ourselves until he's home. His room is completely set up, the house is clean, I'm producing milk like crazy and we've gotten lots of pictures gathered and several printed and on & on & on...now we just wait. 

While we all wait, here are some more pictures for your (and our) enjoyment!

Starting with some pictures of us with the baby:

Then here are pictures of just little Maxfield by himself...so cute!!!

Also, I received a few more onsies that have been returned to us from the shower...Thank you ladies! They all look awesome!

Ali's returned onsie (front)
The back of Ali's returned onsie
Penny's returned onsie
Sue Minite's returned onsie

FINALLY, we would like to send a shout-out to all of the help we have received from our friends, Billy & Linnie Hughes for their pictures, Josh & Megan Virgo for watching Drama and making us food & Cam's mom for taking care of the cat and making linens for the bassinet. All of that has been a huge help in this whole process, not to mention all of the emotional support from everyone we know and love! We love all of you so much, thank you for everything!

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